Founded 1855, the American-Cassinese Congregation is a Catholic association of Benedictine monasteries.
The Congregation includes 25 monasteries; 19 are autonomous monasteries and 6 are dependent priories. Our monasteries are located in 15 of the United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Mexico and Taiwan.
Abbot Boniface Wimmer OSB, founder of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, created the Congregation. Pope Pius IX erected it as a monastic congregation under the patronage of the Holy Guardian Angels.
Our monasteries follow the
written by Saint Benedict of
Please email us at webmaster@amcass.org about the website with any questions, comments, suggestions, or edits.
Upcoming Events
Benedictine Abbots
February 21-25, 2025The next meeting of Benedictine Abbots will be held on February 21-25, 2025 at St. Joseph’s Abbey in St. Benedict, LA. The presenter will be Father Frank Donio, S.A.C., D.Min., Executive Director for the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Details on the schedule and registration will be forthcoming. Save the date!
55th General Chapter
June 15-19, 2025Abbot President Jonathan Licari, O.S.B. has announced the 55th General Chapter of the American Cassinese Congregation to be held at Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, MN on June 15-19, 2025. The agenda and registration for abbots and delegates will be forthcoming from the president’s office.